How To Choose The Best Tyre Recycling Machine Available

The ability to recycle rubber tyres is becoming more common today. It is because of the mass quantity of them that is available. When you are able to use a pyrolysis machine to break them down, converting them into burnable fuel, you will want to do this as often as you can. It will be helpful to the environment, allowing you to recycle rubber tyres that will not decompose even over thousands of years. Therefore, if you have access to a large number of rubber tyres, you will need one of these recycling machines. Here is an overview of how to get a tyre recycling machine for your facility that can help you do this on a regular basis.

Waste Tire Recycling Plant

Waste Tire Recycling Plant

How To The Tyre Recycling Machines Work?

The easiest way to explain how they work is to understand the process call pyrolysis. It involves the use of a large container called the reactor. The pieces of the rubber tyres, which have been chipped up by a machine, can be placed inside. The oxygen is evacuated, and the heat is increased, causing the rubber to break down at a chemical level. When this occurs, you will end up with residue. Part of that will be solid, which is the charcoal, and the other part is going to be liquid in the form of burnable fuel. This is how it works, and depending upon the size of the tyre recycling apparatus that you have available, you can quickly create a sizable income from these products that you can sell. Click here to know more:

Where Can You Find The Companies That Sell Them?

The companies that produce these are numerous. They are sold all over the world. You may even find some from countries like China that are producing thousands of them every year. They come in different sizes and shapes, all with different capacities, and they are designed for businesses from small to large corporations. Regardless of which one you choose, just make sure that it is large enough to handle the volume of the rubber tyres that you are going to convert into these liquid and solid burnable fuels.

Is It Easy To Set Up?

These are very easy to set up for the simple reason. When they arrive, they are usually ready to use. The only time this is not true is if you are getting an entire pyrolysis reactor. He said many components, including conveyor belts, that you will have to install yourself. After you have received this recycling machine, you can start using it right away. It will process all of the rubber tyres that you have. Make sure that you do have a chipping machine that can break the tyres down into smaller components. Once you have tyre to oil plant for sale set up, you will be able to produce a substantial amount of burnable fuel that you can sell for your business.

Tyre Recycling Plant to the Philippines

Tyre Recycling Plant to the Philippines

If you don’t have one of these recycling machines designed for rubber tyres, consider getting one as soon as possible. They are easy to set up, and once they are fully functional, you can produce thousands of tons of this fuel using the existing rubber tyres you have at your disposal. This is one of the best ways to eliminate the possibility of landfills becoming completely filled up with rubber tyres. If you do have access to this material, and you can afford to invest in one of these rubber tyre recycling machines, consider doing this as it will be a very good investment. More information on here.

Why You Should Choose A Small Pyrolysis Plant Over A Large One

Have you ever purchased a pyrolysis plant before? If you have a municipal solid waste company, a farm, or a business involving the production of lumber, these are very beneficial units to have. You can convert sawdust, residue from harvesting crops, and rubber and plastic into burnable fuels. In most cases, investing in a larger one is likely the best decision to make. Of course, you must have enough material to use to justify the expense. It is for this reason that you may also want to consider getting a smaller one initially. If you have never been in this industry before, these are the reasons you may want to purchase a small pyrolysis plant.

Small Pyrolysis Plant

Small Pyrolysis Plant

Limited Supplies Of Materials To Use

If you do have a limited supply of organic waste, plastic, or rubber to use for this process, the logical decision would be to invest in a smaller pyrolysis plant. It is also true if you do not foresee getting any more of this on a larger scale. For some, they may be thinking about expanding this type of business, but others simply will not. Therefore, your investment into a smaller unit is going to be the best decision for your business. More information on fully automatic pyrolysis plant here.

Limited Number Of Buyers

Even if you have a large supply of these materials available, you may be in an area of the world where purchasing charcoal, or using biofuel, may not be that popular. There are some areas where these materials will be purchased as soon as they are produced, whereas others may have to look long and far for potential he long-term clients.

Your Business Is Relatively Small

If you have a a coconut tree plantation, rice farm, or if you are producing a minimal amount of lumber, you may not have enough material to use regularly. It is essential that you invest time to evaluate all of these different pyrolysis plants, but keep in mind that a medium to large sized unit may not be in your best interest. If thoughts of expanding your business are not on your mind, or if you are thinking of scaling down, certainly invest in the smallest one that you can get. This will save you money, yet at the same time you can still process the small amount of material that you have with a pyrolysis machine for sale that is minimal in size.


BLJ-6 Small Pyrolysis Machine to Hungary

BLJ-6 Small Pyrolysis Machine to Hungary

Investing in a small pyrolysis plant could be a very advantageous decision for you. If you have a small business, limited initial supplies, or a limited marketplace for these byproducts, it will be the best decision. Unless you have thoughts of obtaining more rubber tires and plastic, or perhaps you are going to process more lumber than ever before, small will be better than large in this case. Additionally, if you have a limited amount of money to invest, the smaller units will be the best decision to make based upon how much money you have to work with. If you can, do consider getting a small pyrolysis plant if you have a minimal amount of material that you can convert into these combustible products. Get tyre to oil plant cost here.

Understanding A Waste Tyre Recycling Plant Project Report

Waste tyre recycling plant is a facility that takes waste tyres and converts them into new tyres for vehicles. The recycling process is undertaken to provide an eco-friendly environment for people as it minimizes the environmental pollution in the area. As waste tyre recycling plant takes part in efficient waste reduction process, it is commonly referred to as Eco friendly waste management as it provides the best possible environment friendly i.e. it offers energy source such as Hydroxy and Pyrolysis fuel from recycled waste tyres. See waste tyre recycling plant project report here.

Tire Recycling Plant for Sale

Tire Recycling Plant for Sale

Waste tyre recycling is not only done in a way to provide maximum advantage for the environment but also for the individual people as well who have to bear the expense of tyre replacement due to the expensive rates of fuel. In fact, it is very important to make the tyre replacement cost less by the means of tyre recycling. The major part of the process is performed through a recycling bin where the old and worn tyres are collected. Once collected, they are sorted and placed in bins with proper containers in order to reduce the burden of storage as well as the time required for collection. Click here to know more:

The fuel is then extracted from the fuel. This fuel used for the purpose of powering the vehicle is known as the Hydroxy and the Pyrolysis fuel.

The Hydroxy Fuel used is derived from hydrocarbons or methane. The process involved in the hydro fuel extraction process is known as hydroxy conversion process where the hydro fuel is converted from methane gas to pure Hydroxy gas which is then released from the Hydroxy fuel converter into the air in the form of an exhaust.

The Pyrolysis Fuel is derived from the waste oils with waste tyre to oil plant for sale. As there is an increase in the fuel demand for the vehicles, the demand of fuel is also on the rise. Therefore, the requirement of fuel for these vehicles is also increasing, which leads to increase in the demand of waste oil and waste oils. However, before using these waste oils, the process is undertaken by the waste oil recycling process where the waste oil is converted into pure Hydroxy gas.

Tire Recycling Plant to the Philippines

Tire Recycling Plant to the Philippines

The Hydroxy gas is further extracted from the waste tyres that is obtained through the Hydroxy fuel extractor. The Hydroxy gas and the pyrolyzed fuel is then transformed back into pure Hydroxy gas and fuel to run the engine of the vehicle. Once the hydroxy gas and fuel are ready, it is used to power the engine of the vehicle through the fuel pump.

We understand that the technology may seem complicated and foreign, but with a little time and research it becomes second nature. Be sure you take the time to fully understand all aspects of this business and read as many project reports as possible to ensure that this is the business opportunity that is right for you. With proper planning and time, you will see that a waste tyre plant is a wise investment for your portfolio and the environment for the future! Visit the site:

Calculating Tyre To Oil Plant Costs

Because oil is not a renewable resource, the demand for oil made from recycled materials is extremely high. Although a tyre to oil plant can be extremely profitable, it’s important to be aware of the costs before making any sort of investment. These are a few expenses you should take into consideration.

Cost Of Machinery

One of your biggest costs will be what you spend upfront on equipment. The main equipment of a tyre to oil plant is the pyrolysis machine. Also, you may need tyre shredder machine, etc. The machinery you will need for your plant will vary based on a number of factors, including the size of tires you will be processing and the amount of rubber you need to process each day.

Tyre to Oil Plant in Brazil

Tyre to Oil Plant in Brazil

It’s important to purchase high-quality machinery that is able to meet all of your needs, but you should also try to save money if possible. It can be useful to find a vendor that offers this kind of machinery at a lower-than-average price.

In addition to this, you should consider purchasing a full line of tire recycling equipment. If you are able to purchase all of the items you need as part of a package, you’ll be able to spend less in total. You’ll also have everything you need, and you’ll know that the equipment you’ve purchased can be used together with minimal issues. More details can be found:

Cost Of Maintenance

Your machinery will need maintenance in order to remain in good working order. When people think about machinery maintenance, they often consider the cost of repairs and replacement parts. It’s important to consider these costs, but it’s just as crucial to take preventative maintenance into consideration.

Pyrolysis Plant in Turkey

Pyrolysis Plant in Turkey

If you give the machinery in your plant the care that it needs, you may be able to prevent damage before it occurs. For example, if you lubricate your machinery, there will be less friction between parts, which means those parts are less likely to wear down over time. It’s important to choose an appropriate lubricant for your machinery and apply lubrication as needed. Healthy working will make the plant profitable. You can check the link here for more details about how to make profits from the plant:

Operating Costs

When your plant is operating, it will consume power. Utility bills can be quite high and can lower the overall profitability of a plant. It can be helpful to calculate these costs ahead of time so that you can budget appropriately. You can lower the total operating costs of a plant by purchasing machinery that is energy efficient.

In addition to these costs, you’ll want to look at the cost of labor. How many workers will it require to keep your plant running smoothly? You should determine what your labor costs are likely to be. While a continuous pyrolysis plant is often more expensive than semi-automatic or manual machinery, it can be considerably cheaper in the long run if it helps you to save on labor.

In order to earn a profit from your plant, you’ll want to make sure you have a clear picture of what tire to oil plant costs are likely to be. Take the time to crunch the numbers so that you can maximize your budget.

Tips On Discovering The Best Waste Tire Pyrolysis Plants

One of the most difficult materials to recycle is rubber. Specifically, rubber tires are accumulating at alarming rates. There are literally landfills that have millions of tires. These are materials that can be recycled if you have the right equipment. Pyrolysis technology was created years ago. It is becoming extremely mainstream. You can get entire waste tire pyrolysis plants that can help you process millions of these tires every year. The size of the tyre pyrolysis plant, and its cost, can be determined by contacting businesses that manufacture them. To find some of the best ones that are currently available, here is how you can discover where they are in the world today.

Cost-efficient Beston Waste Tire Pyrolysis Plants

Cost-efficient Beston Waste Tire Pyrolysis Plants

Why Waste Tire Recycling Is So Important

The production of tires every year is continually increasing. As the population expands, more tires will need to be produced. However, these are products that will only last for a couple of years before they are often discarded into landfills. More areas are used to bury these tires, but they can be recycled if you use pyrolysis plants. This can lead to very lucrative situation for your company. The byproduct of using pyrolysis technology with rubber tires can generate valuable fuels that can be sold for profit. View a detailed project

Beston Tyre Pyrolysis Plants for Sale

Beston Tyre Pyrolysis Plants for Sale

How Do These Machines Convert Tires Into Biofuel?

Converting these tires into biofuel is done through a process involving a pyrolysis reactor. Inside of the reactor, once the small pieces of rubber tires are placed in it, they will be superheated until they begin to break down. Oxygen is removed from the interior of this reactor. Over the course of several minutes, a unique change will occur. The solid product produced is charcoal. The liquid byproducts are a natural form of fuel and bio-oil that can also be sold to businesses. One question that many people have is does this business actually have the potential to be profitable? Visit

Can This Type Of Waste Tire Pyrolysis Plants Pay For Itself Rapidly?

In most cases, you can start to see a substantial profit if you have access to a large number of tires. If the pyrolysis plant is sizable, and also runs efficiently, you should be able to pay it off in a number of years. The cost of running the plant will be minimal. You will need a few workers to maintain the controls and make sure that it is maintained. Once you have processed several thousand tires, you will be adept at doing this, and you will start to see a profit from your efforts. Get the quote quickly

Waste tire pyrolysis plants are sold worldwide. There are both large and small units that you can gain access to. If you are ready to participate in this very lucrative field, you can start recycling rubber tires in just a few weeks. Try to find a reputable business that offers fantastic prices on these pyrolysis plants and machines. They may take a few days to set up, but once they are fully functional, you can begin to recycle rubber tires and generate cash flow for your business.

What Will Influence the Cost Of Tire Pyrolysis Plant

If you are planning to set up a tire pyrolysis plant, you must be wondering about the tyre pyrolysis plant cost. The cost of a tire pyrolysis plant depends on a number of factors including its capacity, its efficiency, its design, its safety rating, level of automation and after-sales service offered by the company. In short, not all the pyrolysis plants available in the market are the same, and therefore, the price is also different. Here is what you need to know about buying a tire pyrolysis plant in order to get the most value for your money.

Tyre Pyrolysis Machine to South Africa

Tyre Pyrolysis Machine to South Africa

First and foremost, you need to decide on the capacity of the pyrolysis plant. Capacity refers to the amount of raw material that can be processed at a single time in the pyrolysis chamber. The amount of capacity you need to buy will depend on the availability of raw materials at your location along with the demand for final products produced through the pyrolysis process. Don’t buy a plant with too high capacity as you might find it difficult to dispose of the products produced through the pyrolysis process. Write down a business plan and choose an optimum capacity plant that can be utilized to its maximum capacity on a regular basis in order to get the most value for your money. More models of tyre pyrolysis plants can be found:

Tyre Pyrolysis Machine to Canada

Tyre Pyrolysis Machine to Canada

Pyrolysis plants are available in many different designs. One of the most important factors that differentiate between plants is the efficiency of the design. Efficiency refers to the number of final products that can be derived from the same quantity of raw materials. Some plants are really good at maintaining the consistent temperature required for pyrolysis process. Also, these plants come equipped with components designed to capture all the pollutants produced during the pyrolysis process. Some of the more modern plants also have ways to reroute the gas produced during the pyrolysis process for use as a fuel. Therefore, pay attention to the design and efficiency to get the most value for your money.

Another important thing you need to pay attention to is the level of automation in the plant. The level of automation will determine the number of manual operators you will need for your pyrolysis plant. It is better to invest in a highly automated plant as automation not only saves money on labor but also ensures that the results are consistent over a period of time. Check the link here for details:

After-sales service is another important factor that is usually overlooked by buyers. Even though there are not a lot of moving components in a pyrolysis plant, you will need to replace components at regular intervals due to regular wear and tear. This is where the after-sales service offered by the company becomes so important. Some manufacturers only believe in providing customer service until the sale is made. Once the sale has been completed, they completely forget about their customers. Stay away from such companies. Only buy from companies that believe in customer service and have a local service office for regular service and maintenance.

Overall, the cost of a tire pyrolysis plant depends on a number of factors. So, do your research and compare different types of tire recycling facility based on the above-mentioned parameters in order to get the most value for your money.

A Small Scale Pyrolysis Plant May Help You Get To Profitability Faster

After doing some calculations, you just might discover that the small scale pyrolysis plant is the best solution for you. Big companies sometimes think that they need a large continuous pyrolysis machine to get the job done. This project is first about the environment, and then it is about profitability. You are tasked with determining which is the best machine when it comes to turning a profit for your business.

Small Scale Pyrolysis Plant

Small Scale Pyrolysis Plant

Pyrolysis appears to be the way to go for many reasons. Yes, you have other options when it comes to recycling waste tires. You certainly can go a different direction, but first, pyrolysis is better for the environment. Second, you get some great products out of the deal. You can even make gasoline with an additional machine, using the pyrolysis oil.

You know you can market gasoline, and its end game is that it is consumed by vehicles, not needing additional recycling and certainly not showing up in a landfill. Naturally, gasoline emissions aren’t the best thing for the environment, but nothing is perfect. The point here is that a small scale pyrolysis plant is the best way to handling recycling waste tires.

A small pyrolysis machine for sale is also more affordable for most companies. You can get a pyrolysis machine set up in no time with a minimal investment. And the great thing about it is that it runs on its own in more ways than one. It powers itself because it uses the pyrolysis oil and hydrocarbon gas to get the job done. It also pretty much runs on its own utilizing the latest technology.

large scale continuous pyrolysis machine

Large scale continuous pyrolysis machine

Granted, a small scale batch plant is going to have a little down time in between batches, and manpower is going to be required. That’s not so much the case with a continuous pyrolysis plant. But you could also look up prices for the smallest capacity continuous pyrolysis plant, and be sure to inquire with the best pyrolysis machine manufacturers. Companies across the globe make these machines, and so you have quite a few to choose from.

The larger plants do have their perks. For example, the reactor doesn’t have to cool down prior to discharge. You’re not really going to get this perk if you don’t go with a large scale continuous pyrolysis plant. You will have to wait, but is it worth paying the extra money?

The answer to that question is completely dependent upon the business plan you draw up for your pyrolysis plant recycling venture. Each company is different, and you have to calculate the waste you have coming through your facility each day. What type of plant do you need?

Many businesses find that a small scale pyrolysis plant is the most ideal solution for them because they are able to get to profitability much faster. It certainly is nice to know that there is a solution for everyone, whether you need a small scale batch plant or a large scale continuous pyrolysis machine. The choice is yours, but it’s time to do some recycling.

Learning More About Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant Technology

In the world of oil production, during exploration, drilling, and refining, oil sludge is often found. Oil sludge is made up of a combination of water, sludge, oil and other contaminants that can be damaging to the environment. If oil sludge is not processed properly, it can cause more pollution in an environment that is already suffering from mounting pollution problems. The good news is that oil sludge also contains profitable oil, which can be extracted and purified with  pyrolysis technology. This means that oil sludge can generate a business a nice source of additional income using an oil sludge pyrolysis plant.

Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Machine to Nigeria

Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Machine to Nigeria

If oil sludge is sent to landfill or sea fill sites in its unprocessed form, it can cause huge amounts of damage to nearby ecosystems and the natural environment as a whole. As a result, governments around the world, as well as many private charities and environmental organizations, are stepping up to incentivize businesses to process oil sludge responsibly using oil sludge pyrolysis technology. The latest pyrolysis technology can convert oil sludge into profitable, pure end products without emitting any pollution into the environment. More pyrolysis machines for sale can be found:

Many crude oil sludge treatment plants have automatic feeding and discharging systems. This means they can run 24/7 in continuous mode as opposed to in a batch operating mode. All of the oil gas produced in the main pyrolysis chamber is automatically converted into liquid fuel using advanced water-cooling condensation systems. Any wastewater and toxic exhaust gas produced in a crude oil sludge treatment plant are processed using a range of other specialized machines to ensure zero environmental pollution. Modern oil sludge pyrolysis plants also have automatic warning systems linked to pressure gauges to ensure safe operation and working conditions. More about the fully continuous pyrolysis plant can be found:

Continuous Pyrolysis Plant

Continuous Pyrolysis Plant

Pyrolysis technology has revolutionized the ability of oil companies to make extra profits from oil sludge as it can extract oil from water and other contaminants in an eco-friendly way. The end products from an oil sludge pyrolysis plant can be further refined using various distillation machines to increase the purity and value of fuel oils.

The main components in an oil sludge pyrolysis plant include a de-casting system, pyrolysis reactor, oil tank, hydroseal, and oil condensing system. There are three different categories of plants in the marketplace: fully automatic, batch oil sludge machines and semi-automatic. This means when it comes to investing in a pyrolysis plant, you need to choose one that meets the individual needs of your business operations and budget.

The price of pyrolysis plants can vary wildly based on a wide range of factors. If you are looking to avail of the best prices, it would generally be recommended to check out overseas pyrolysis machine manufacturers, as they tend to have much more competitive prices than domestic manufacturers. Of course, it obviously depends on which country you currently reside in. In general, pyrolysis plant manufacturers from China have the lowest prices while vendors in the USA and Europe have some of the highest prices.

Global Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Plants

A waste tire pyrolysis plant is used to process scrap tires into fuel oil and other commodities using pyrolysis technology. Pyrolysis is a thermal chemical reaction. It is also referred to as depolymerization, thermal cracking, thermolysis, and cracking. The basic process involves heating materials to high temperatures inside an oxygen-free reactor. The absence of oxygen prevents the materials from catching fire and burning. Instead, material polymers break down and vapourize. The vapor can then be condensed into refined oil.

The great thing about modern scrap tyre pyrolysis plant is that they have advanced dedusting systems, which clean all emissions so that plants can operate without producing any pollution. The result is that tire to oil pyrolysis machines provide one of the most environmentally friendly methods of recycling waste tires. Other methods of disposing on scrape tires include landfill disposal, incineration, and repurposing. In Europe, oil tires are used in the cement manufacturing industry as an alternative fuel source.

Scrap Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

Scrap Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

Landfill disposal of tires is arguably one of the worst methods of disposal. Due to their large volume, tires take up huge amounts of space on landfill sites and they can trap methane gases inside their cavities causing bubbles. The bubbling of tires can damage landfill liners, which are used to prevent landfill contaminants from polluting groundwater and local surfaces. Furthermore, the trapped methane can cause dangerous fires on landfill sites. The world’s largest tire graveyard is visible from space. That graveyard is located in Kuwaiti. Click here to know more:

Global Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Plants

The good news is that increasing numbers of waste tires are now being recycled in pyrolysis plants around the world. In India alone, there are reported to be over 2000 pyrolysis plants processing thousands of tons of tires each year. It is not surprising that the country has over 2000 plants as of the 1.6 billion waste tires generated globally every year, around 6% come from India. Australia sends thousands of bales of tires to India every year for disposal.

The end products from tire pyrolysis include pyrolysis oil, steel wire, combustible gas and carbon black. The steel wire found in tires is often removed before shredded tires enter the pyrolysis reactor in order to prolong the service life of a reactor. Pyrolysis oil can be refined into more profitable commodities, like gasoline and diesel oil, using a distillation machine. The combustible gas produced during pyrolysis of rubber is typically used to refuel the reactor and reduce energy costs. More about cost of tyre pyrolysis plant here.

BLJ-10 Tyre Pyrolysis Machine to South Africa

BLJ-10 Tyre Pyrolysis Machine to South Africa

Tyre Pyrolysis Plant Machinery Manufacturers

There are dozens of tire pyrolysis plant manufacturers in the marketplace. The majority of manufacturers export to worldwide locations including Europe, South Africa, South America, and Australia. Some of the cheapest tire to oil tire pyrolysis machines are available from suppliers in China. When it comes to comparing different models for sale, it’s important to take all of the technical specifications into account including working method, daily capacity, operating pressure, cooling method, floor area, reactor size and more. Be sure to obtain price quotes from multiple vendors to avail of the best prices. Relevant blog here:

How a Tyre Pyrolysis Machine Can Solve Waste Management Problems and Make Money

Human societies are advancing and adapting slowly to our place on the planet by learning to manage our waste production and make the most from recycled materials. To this end, tire pyrolysis plant is being designed, manufactured and made available to a world in need.

In the following article you can learn more about this amazing innovation and how it can be applied to saving your world and countryside from the black rubbery menace.

Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Plant

The Problem with Tyres

Tyres are being used and discarded faster than they can be effectively disposed of and the biggest problem is, they aren’t really disposable. Tyres will remain in a landfill, thrown in an empty field or tossed into the local river for many years while their valuable constituents are leached into the ground in toxins and poisons that harm ourselves and our world. Get pyrolysis plant cost estimate here.

For this reason, many landfills and regular garbage collection facilities will no longer accept tyres. If this hasn’t been applied to your local area, you can imagine it will soon as local legislators are made increasingly aware of the dangers of uncontrolled waste.

But, tucked away inside these rubbery loops is a variety of valuable materials and useful compounds that can be repurposed rather than left to add strain to an already unhealthy ecosystem. Using primitive technology but highly advanced machinery, the tyre pyrolysis machine offers solutions to a considerable problem with waste management.

The Advantages of a Pyrolysis Plant

The world discards as many as 300 million tyres in a single day meaning that a virtually inexhaustible supply of tyres are available for use. All that is needed is an intelligent plan to collect these tyres and use them in a more productive way. Through the process of pyrolysis these tyres can be transformed into their most valuable constituents and resold to various manufacturing or energy industries as the needs demand.

Pyrolysis can be translated to “transformed by fire” from the original Latin and presents an amazing way to obtain useful fuel and other materials from ordinary substances and compounds. This is done by burning the compounds without any oxygen present. Ancient agricultural civilizations would use pyrolysis to change organic fibers and even waste products into biochar used for fertilizing farmlands. More information on tyre recycling plant in Nigeria here.

Of course, the primitive methodologies of the ancients would be no good and produce way too much noxious gasses and released CO2 to be effective with tyres. To transform the tyre into something useful and practical requires sophisticated machinery.



Pyrolysis Plan To South Africa

The Pyrolysis Process in the Tyre Pyrolysis Machine

Inside the pyrolysis reactor, tyres will be burned at high temperatures but without the presence of oxygen to aid the fire. The results in a chemical transformation of the chemicals and materials in the tyre. The polymers in the rubber itself will be evaporated and these gasses can be collected and condensed in a condenser to produce biofuel. This “biofuel” has a high caloric value and can be applied as a suitable fuel to meet the impending energy crisis.

But, there’s more One the process of pyrolysis is complete, your waste tyres will be reduced to carbon black and scrap steel. Yes! There is steel within the reinforced walls of the tire. Both carbon black and this scrap steel also have extensive application in various industries.